Under-floor concrete preparrtion

The device of concrete preparation is carried out if it is necessary to perform a waterproofing layer under the concrete floor, leveling the base. Also, concrete preparation serves as a good basis for the installation of reinforcing cages in the lower zone of reinforcement of structures - the likelihood of displacement of the reinforcing cages from the design position is excluded, strict observance of the protective layer of reinforcement. In addition, the cement laitance of the concrete mixture of load-bearing structures laid along the concrete preparation does not drain into the base, thereby eliminating the possibility of lowering the strength characteristics of concrete structures.

. Concrete preparation is made of concrete of small strength classes - usually B7.5. The concrete level preparation varies in the range of 50-150 mm. The technology of the device of concrete preparations is conventionally divided into the following stages: the pouring of the concrete mixture, its laying, leveling, vibration and care of the laid concrete mixture.